



  Dear Sir,

  I have learned from JobsPower.com on 29 May, 2000 that there is a vacancy in your firm, and I wish to apply for the position. I am a graduate of Hong Kong Polytechnics, class of 1996. For the last four years I have been working as a sale**an for Hong Kong Trading Company, and I an just quitting that firm in a few days.

  Enclosed you will please find a letter of recommendation from my present employer who appreciates my performance very much but have to let me go, for his firm is going to be closed. While working with Hong Kong Trading Company, I have a good chance to know all the leading chemical product manufactures in this area. My connections bulit with them in the past may employ me as a sale**an. I am sure that these manufacturers would equally welcome my service if I work for you.

  I shall appreciate a personal interview at your convenience.


  dear sir/madam:

  on my graduation from college next fall, i am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field of import and export trading. knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge export department, i thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening.

  i am strong and alert, and shall be twenty-three years of age in july next year. at present i am a student in the college of - but i shall graduate from the college this coming july, finishing the requirements in four years, i have had no business experience, but my college record has been good. my studies have included courses in computer control , foreign languages including german,and foreign trade.during my spare time i readed many maganizes and newspapers about trade.so, i dare to say that i am very good at multinational trading.

  i would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

  very truly yours














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