




Leopard is an animal in the very successful hunters. It sticks with its own territory. In recent years, the result of illegal poaching, the number of leopards is being gradually reduced.
From desert to rainforest, from the plains to the plateau, leopards can survive regardless of wherever. It is no luxury, just prey and water. Today, the leopard is still found in the East, from Africa to the broad area. In Asia, the leopard by humans forced into retreat. Forests in India and Sri Lanka, the life of a considerable number of leopards. Of their adaptability, the whole of their footprints all over the Indian subcontinent. Place in India. This national park is a few remaining on the Indian subcontinent is not one of the destruction of wildlife habitat.
100 million years of evolution, to create this almost perfect predators.
Like the nocturnal leopard. In the moonlight, the leopard was a white under belly contour lines appeared to be very clear that this line is often frustrated that it"s offensive scheme. In the sun, leopard spots and the body to form a layer of rose-shaped pattern of the camouflage layer of gorgeous. Sunlight through the forest, sprinkle it on the golden fur. If at this time it is standing still. Even in the few meters, but also difficult to detect its presence. Only two failed to protect the leopard body-color: one is the tail below, the other is that behind the ear, these white markings make Xiao Baozi walking the forest at night to keep up with its parents.
Leopard has a very strange habit of dragging it always prey on the tree it hung in the branches. As a result, the tree became a leopard"s food storage room. Leopard can at any time it wants to eat, come back to enjoy its prey. Hung high in the trees for food can effectively prevent other predators and scavengers of theft. Lions and cheetahs only occasionally climb up the branches, to provide better observation of the surrounding circumstances. But only the tree as the leopard is the only house big cats. Leopard prey is the most popular antelope and birds.
1 Cibao weighing about more than 50 kilograms, the male leopard than its weight more than ten kilograms. But they are the Titanic, leopards can be a prey twice their own weight than the climb to go. Apart from human, adult leopard invincible.
Some 24 species of leopard. Little difference in a variety of leopard, but contour lines and fur color may differ slightly. Only the leopard"s spots each has its own unique pattern.
Leopard every 20 meters left on the visit to retrace their steps to release more scent in the woods. This surprisingly solitary animals so strongly the need to maintain contact with their peers is really amazing. Scent mark territory boundaries, a warning to other areas of activity of its peers recognize, of course, of which there are elements of courtship and mating.
There are two ways leopard attack. Sometimes they wait for prey in the trees volts. This approach has two benefits, their prey with little attention to the danger from above; condescending, leopards **ell by the wind can not easily be found in the other side. But there are also disadvantages, above all, leopards success lies in whether their prey by standing under a tree or from a tree. Followed by the noise of the ash tree, there are many monkeys, issued by the screams of their destroyed leopard hunting program. Spotted deer, monkeys alarm will respond quickly and to their unique way to alert nearby animals.
Another is a sneak attack. In the case of a larger number of prey, leopards on the way to attack prey. Leopard"s attack ability is excellent. Whenever we see the game after the leopard to move around on little by little, almost 1:00 and no sound because the leopard"s paws have soft cushions and sharp Zhao Jia. After arrival in the favorable terrain, and then swoop up. Then find a quiet, undisturbed place to prey hiding comfortably enjoy their spoils of war.
Leopard"s fur is a layer of natural protection of color, when it is an ambush in the woods, the body spots and the shade, leaves mixed into one. No two leopards piebald is the same. As the leopard"s lack of running speed and endurance, therefore, it is always willing to stay in dense forest hunting. The use of leaves as camouflage, leopard will be able to completely melt in the background without being prey found. Leopards prey mostly come out at dawn and dusk activities. Only by chance, the leopard would catch prey in the daytime.
Leopards really knows how to adjust themselves, a lie is a very long time, which is not to say out of leopard hunting only when hungry. Feast, even if they just randomly kill some are also common. But more often, in hunger and thirst it is not the case, the leopard is always using a only cat only has the laid-back way to kill time. Like all predators, like leopard never easy to exhaustion.


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