


英语 道歉信

Dear XXX:
We felt very sorry to say that we could not provide the timely and circumspect service for you as Household Electric Appliance Maintain Company .We sincerely hope you can understand us ,because some of our maintaiers went to train ,and some of them walked to the other place for services .Now ,we really have no maintainer to be sent to your home .For this ,we said we were sorry again .And kindly please you may rest assure that we will send our maintainers to go to your home for maintain services next Monday .
Best regards!
Wang Hao Manager


Wang Lin

I am writting to apologise.
I am so sorry for what I have done to you,this brought you so many problems.As you know,I have always been sad and guilty.I have always thought that it was my fault that got you into trouble.My behavior brought you much loss in some extent.Then I will take the following two actions to correct it.
I say sorry to you deeply,please forgive me.
I will pay the cost for all the things to make up for your loss.
Sorry again.
Your friends
Wang Lin.【英语道歉信】



Dear teacher:
Hello. Recently, the body good? To live happily?
Thank you in this term for the care and education. In the blink of an eye, I"ll be graduating. In my mind often recall the past time. The teacher, you taught me:" time is money." Yes, the life just a few years. Some people can have full of glory, no regrets in life; some people only know that time is like a river of long standing and well established," white hair study to regret later," a time to learn everything, do everything bit by bit, to have time to study, to explore; without time, without a single success only. Therefore, I harvest time.
You said to me:" only you respect others, others will respect you." A person must have dignity, dignity is more important than life. Life is like a picture; only our happiness, will be full of vitality; only learned knowledge, can be full of the color, can be worthy of life. This picture can be the perfect life. Therefore, I harvest a **ile to the life.
Only when you need books, you think them insufficient ; only when you experience something , you can understand the hardship of it. Only read more books, read good books. To make our life. In today"s world, needs a lot of knowledge. There is a wealth of knowledge, can be a foothold in the community. I learned knowledge.
Unfortunately, this term often occupied go out, your English class a lot of wonderful I don"t appreciate, but I still thank you very much dear teacher: teacher you bear bitter hardships of my education, I deeply appreciate. Now remember we together bit by bit. " To death to make silk, wax torch ashes tears to dry." This is a true reflection of you. Wish all the teachers happy and healthy.
I wish:
Good health, **ooth work!
Your student: XXXX
2XXX X month XX day


请大家帮忙写封英文的道歉信 急用啊 呜呜呜!
YOU were invited to attend a friend"s birthday party.However,due to an unexpected event,you were not able to be present.Please write a letter of apology to your friend for your absence.
意思翻译为:你被邀请参加一个朋友的生日派对 然而由于突发时间,你无法出席.请写道歉信给你的朋友为你的缺席.【英语道歉信】

dear XXX,
I’m terribly sorry that I didn’t attend your party which I had promised already.I really wanted to go.How is everything going?I’m sure that the party was exciting and you had a lot of good to eat,huh?
It"s such a pity that I couldn’t enjoy it with you.At that day,someone told me that I had to finish (…..您来填写).I couldn’t help expecting to get away of the mess and to rush to the birthday cake.
Anyway,I want to say,happy birthday to you!And… your present!Though it’s still here,but we will have a good time next time when I see you.
月 日


因为我和我朋友上周4,5 生病 直到 现在 周1.然后没有去上班.我们感到后悔没有通知公司.并且深刻意识到错误.表示歉意.保证以后不会再发生这样的情况.

Dear sir/madam,
We are writing to show our apology for you.
Last Thursday,My friend and I were absent from work due to illness,and then missed the following two workdays (last Friday and this Monday) without permission.We feel terribly sorry for not informing you early and we both have realized the mistake we have made.And we now sincerely promise that things like that won"t happen again.
XX and XX
楼上的拿google翻了来骗分,shame on you.


我错过了上个星期的英语课,因为我去参加一场辩论赛,请老师谅解(contestapology.suppose you had to miss your English class last week because you represented the university in a debating contest.weird your teacher a note of apology.you decide whether a formal or informal note is better)

因为不知道你是初中作文还是高中作文,因此我按高中处理了Dear Teacher,I am very sorry to say that I had to miss your English class last week because I represented the university in a debating contest.I did not know the exact time until the day before the English class.So I am too busy to tell you the news that day.I am so sorry for my absence.And I try to perview the lwssons which was learned that day.I hope that can solve the problem.And I sincerely promise that I will not do it again.It is English that gives me the chance to take part in the contest.Please forgive me.Yours.你的名字希望你能满意,谢谢



Dear teacher,
I am sorry for not handing in my homework in time. I know any explanation can not become my excuse. I promise from now on I will finish my work on time and work hard to live up to your expectation! Thank you for your patient teaching!



Dear xxx:
Hi.I am writing to you to apologize for my words and behaviour.You know that the book you lost was one of my favourite books.I really loved that book.And that was why I was so angry and sad when I heard that you lost it.We haven"t talked to each other since our quarreling.But I still keep our friendship in my mind.I hope that you can forgive me for my mis-doing.I am sorry for that.But I really wish that you will be careful with your things in the future.You know carelessness can do great harm to you in your study and work as well.
Let"s be good friends again.I really miss the good relation with you.
Best Wishes!


Suppose you are an air conditioner sales manager,Kenneth Lee.You got a letter from your customer,Ms.Davis on June 1st,complaining that your company was late in fixing her air conditioner.You have reviewed her request and you will send a repairman within two days.Write a letter of apology to her.

I am writing to make an apology for our mistake that we did not fix your air conditioner on time.I feel sorry about that.Since the weather is extremely hot compared with the years before,the order we received is surged dramatically,which makes us quite busy.I have informed the fixing department and the repairman will be sent within two days.Thank you for your support to our product.Please allow me to express my sincere apology again.
Best regards.
Kenneth Lee
Sales manager



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