


  Let's face it: for most of us, job hunting is a means to an end. Very seldom do you meet anyone who claims to enjoy the process for itself (and when you do, they're generally such wildly extroverted people that they're fairly rare specimens of humanity in the first place).


  In this way, job hunting is a lot like dating – a thing you have to do, in order to get achieve your goal of a dream job or relationship, and not necessarily something you'd do for fun.


  That's perfectly OK. In fact, by considering the many ways in which these not-so-fun processes resemble one another, you can figure out ways to maximize the experience to get to the dream-job part that much sooner.


  Here's how job hunting and dating are basically the same thing:


  1. Rejection, rejection, rejection.


  Why do most people dislike job hunting? Because so much of the process involves hearing the words, "thanks, but no thanks" ... or worse yet, sitting by the proverbial phone and getting no feedback at all. It's pretty easy to wind up feeling like a wallflower who didn't get asked to the prom when you've been looking for a job for some time and coming up short.


  2. You can't hurry love. No, you just have to wait.


  How long does it take to get a job? The answer, of course, varies, although one formula says that for every $10,000 worth of salary, expect to spend one month job searching. Regardless, even when the economy is red-hot, you probably won't find the job of your dreams right away.As in dating, get ready to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince or princess.


  3. Relationships of all kinds are bigger than one person.


  You can be a swimsuit model with an MBA and a side gig teaching Pilates – in the end, it's less about how awesome you are as a candidate or partner, and more about relationship fit. Think about it this way: if you're a vegetarian, the world's most beautiful and hilarious person won't be a good fit, if he or she is also a professional butcher; if you're an introvert, your dedication and skills won't make you happy in an open office full of Chatty Cathys.


  4. It's all about who you know.


  Even in this era of Tinder and Match.com, chances are, you know plenty of couples who've met through mutual friends. The reasons are pretty clear: it's easier to feel comfortable – and safe – with a stranger who has been vetted by people you trust.


  For similar reasons, at least 60 percent of job seekers find work through networking. Who better to tell you what it's really like to work at a company than someone who's already toiling away in the trenches? And who better to recommend you than someone who's worked with you, or attended the same school or earned the same certifications or learned the same skills?


  Finally, the Recession may be over, but companies are still moving slowly when it comes to filling positions and signing new hires. Anything you can do to overcome a hiring manager's apprehension is helpful, and there's nothing more persuasive than a recommendation from someone he or she already trusts.


  5. Resilience is more important than nearly any other quality.


  Think about the happiest, most successful people you know. What do they have in common? At work and in their personal lives, they bounce back.

  When it comes to dating or building your career, the most important thing you can be is resilient. Being able to get up when life knocks you down will keep you from missing opportunities. Plus, resilient people exude confidence, strength, and happiness – attractive traits to hiring managers and everyone else.


  Finally, being able to regroup, analyze opportunities for change, and move on makes you better at being on your own side, like a good friend or a supportive colleague or partner. In love or in your career, there's nothing more important than that.




  现在英语听力资料很多,如VOA/BBC/CNN/CRI等等,很多童鞋有选择恐惧症,一直纠结哪个是最适合自己的,听两天VOA,觉得不行,再听几天BBC, 各种资料来回换,最后也是竹篮打水一场空。所以,强烈建议大家不要纠结,不要贪多,根据自己的水平选择适当的材料(关于这个问题的解答,小编不此不赘述);不过如果从BBC/CNN/CRI选,哪个更好呢?小编认为CRI会更好些,原因很简单,毕竟听CRI所需的背景材料基本都与中国关系密切。






  下面我们以CRI——People In the Know为例,看看一段10分钟左右的片段里,我们能学到什么?

  Consumers may most likely bump into China-made products wherever they are, but when it comes to Chinese brands, they may name only a few.

  China, a long-time manufacturing center, has been eyeing to bring more added-value to their products by promoting its own brand names.

  There are a few success cases so far. Huawei and Alibaba, for example, are now regarded as two new most valuable brands in the latest BrandZ report, an annual world renowned report by Millward Brown, a global company focusing on brands, media and communications.

  But these brands are far from enough if China really wants to bring its numerous brands closer to the global consumers, especially those in the West.

  Nihao, you are listening to People In the Know, presenting you with insights into the headlines in China, and around the world.



  1. hike up: 提高、增加

  2. What does it take for sb. to do …


  3. well-established brand: 知名品牌;

  long-established brand(time-honored):


  4. home market: 国内市场

  5. churn out: 粗制滥造,大批量生产

  6. go internationally/global: 走出去;国际化

  7. brand awareness/recognition: 品牌认知度

  8. establish our foothold in…: 在……站稳脚跟

  9. lead the world in…: 在……方面领先世界

  10. established markets:成熟市场

  11. have a very targeted segment: 市场定位很准

  12. look at: 分析

  we can look at thisissue from the perspective of…


  13. be vastly different from: 与……有天壤之别

  14. niche market: 细分的市场;小众的市场

  15. be available

  Its products are available in 173 countries.


  The film is available in over 20 languages.


  16. driver: 原因


  what’s the main driver behind China’ssuccess?

  What’s driven China’s success? 中国成功的原因是什么?

  As if long hours at the office weren't draining enough, it turns out your work life could be introducing a host of habits that take a toll on your health. But it's never too late to change course. Repetitive actions do play a big role in your everyday behaviors. Read on to discover some of the mindless workplace habits that may be influencing your health -- and what to do about them.


  1. Skipping breakfast.

  1. 不吃早饭

  While the science is somewhat debated, most experts agree it's better to eat breakfast than to forego it entirely. It can be easy to breeze through your morning on only a cup of joe, but research suggests eating breakfast can help you kickstart your metaboli** and help increase your energy so you're not feeling sluggish later on. If that isn't convincing enough, some experts even advocate for eating a doughnut over skipping the meal, though obviously that shouldn't be a recurring choice. If you're looking for some easy morning options, try one of these quick breakfast recipes.


  2. Leaning your face on your hand.

  2. 用手撑着脸

  Sure, it's comfortable, but touching your face excessively may be an enemy to good skin care or hygiene, because it spreads bacteria and other bugs.

  确实,手撑脸很舒服,但过多触碰脸庞不利于呵护肌肤、也不卫生, 因为碰脸会传播细菌和其他小毛小病。

  3. Eating a sad desk lunch.

  3. 随意打发午餐

  Your brain needs a break. Without one, your productivity and your energy levels plummet. Besides, research shows multitasking is inefficient, so you're probably not getting much done by pushing through anyway.


  4. Slouching in your chair.

  4. 窝在座椅里

  Bad posture = Bad health? Studies show that when you slouch you may be negatively influencing your mood. Not to mention poor posture, which is frequently associated with staring at technology, puts a strain on your upper body, too, which could lead to neck and shoulder pain.


  5. Touching your eye.

  5. 触碰眼睛

  It may be tempting to swipe off that **udged eyeliner in the middle of your day, but be wary of hand-to-eye contact as it's another way to spread germs. Not only that, you may be damaging some very delicate skin. Rubbing the eyes ... can actually create microscopic tears in the tissue (making the eye area look older faster), break the capillaries in the eyelids (causing little thread-like veins called telangiectasia) or break the capillaries under the eye (intensifying dark circles).


  6. Sitting all day.

  6. 终日久坐

  Many experts claim that "sitting is the new **oking," which isn't such great news if you're chained to a desk for eight hours a day. A sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk for diabetes and heart disease, and it's probably hurting your back. Make it a point to get up and move as often as you can or opt for a standing desk if the opportunity exists. You can also try this yoga move to undo some of the damage that comes with sitting at a desk.


  7. Petting the office dog and returning to your keyboard.

  7. 办公室里抚触小狗后又立马回到键盘前

  Pets, including dogs, potentially carry germs that can spread from animals to people, according to the CDC -- but nothing a good scrub won't fix. Just be sure to wash those hands once playtime is over.


  8. Bringing your phone to the bathroom.

  8. 带手机去洗手间

  Half of **artphone users ages 18 to 29 admit to bringing their phones with them to the toilet. It may be tempting to, er, multitask, but you're really just inviting germs into your body and back to your desk. In fact, research shows that your phone has more bacteria than that porcelain throne. Seriously, just leave it behind.


  9. Not taking a sick day.

  9. 不请病假

  The common cold can take a lot out of you, physically and mentally. By not allowing yourself to properly rest, you may be prolonging the sickness. You're also compromising your co-workers' immune systems by exposing them to the virus. It's better for your health, their health and both parties' productivity in the long run.


  10. Crossing your legs.

  10. 交叠双腿

  It can be easy to cross those legs to avoid playing footsie with your neighbor, but you may want to re-think your sitting stance. Crossing your legs too much may cause back and neck pain and even might elevate your blood pressure. The ideal seated position comes with your feet flat on the floor and your knees and ankles at a 90 degree angle whenever possible.


  11. Indulging in free office pizza.

  11. 上班期间贪食免费披萨

  The Food and Drug Administration recommends that cooked commercial foods should sit out for no more than four hours, as that's the time in which bacteria can grow and multiply. Consumer and homemade meals have an even shorter timeframe of only two hours.


  12. Not unplugging once you get home.

  12. 到家仍保持工作状态

  Try stashing the phone once you walk through the front door. Mindless scrolling after dinner or checking your email before crawling into bed may seem insignificant, but it may be contributing to mental exhaustion.












10.南京公务员平均年薪7.68万 城管找对象没优势



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