

  Whether you’re working in a cubicle or corner office, your workspace is a reflection of your personality and your work style. Is there a correlation between the objects on your desk and the type of worker you are? We think so. Take a look to see which one of these workers you relate to.无论你的工作环境是小隔间还是角落办公室,你的工作空间都反映了你的性格与工作风格。那么办公桌上的摆设与职场人士类型是否存在相关性?我们认为是存在的。下面来看看你属于哪类职场人士吧。

  The Minimalist极简主义者

  Less is more, and that’s how the Minimalist lives and works. This worker is practically a ghost, taking long lunches, ignoring emails, and working in a space so bare that everyone forgets who works there.少即是多,这就是极简主义者的生活与工作态度。此类人简直就是魔鬼,花很久时间吃一顿午餐,无视邮件,在一个无遮蔽的小空间工作以致没有人记得到底谁在这里工作。

  Telltale Signs: Mostly empty workspace, with only a computer, keyboard, and mouse – no décor, no pencils, and no signs of life.桌面特征:几乎空无一物的空间,只有一台电脑,键盘和鼠标,没有任何装饰品,没有文具,毫无生活的气息。

  Work Style: The Minimalist is a fan of doing the bare minimum at all times, which applies to everything from communication to performance. The Minimalist is known for last – minute reports, silence during meetings, and dirty dishes left in the office sink.工作风格:极简主义者热衷于无论何时都做最少工作,小到日常沟通大到工作表现。他们总是以这样的形象被人记得:最后提交会议记录,会议期间不发声,甚至把没洗的盘子留在茶水间的洗手台。

  The Hoarder囤积型

  The Hoarder’s workspace is on the verge of being condemned. This worker wants everything in the office, whether it’s another project or the last cup of coffee. On the upside, the Hoarder can survive any apocalypse, thanks to a stockpiled cubicle.囤积者的工作空间常常容易备受诟病。此类人喜欢收集办公室里的所有东西,无论是一项新任务还是最后一杯咖啡。好的一面是,囤积者能幸免于任何重大灾难性通告,这都得多亏那被堆积得不成样子的小隔间。

  Telltale Signs: Sky-high paper stacks, overstuffed drawers, rubber-band balls, old take-out receipts, half-filled coffee mugs, and meeting notes from 10 years ago.桌面特征:堆得天高的文件,塞得满爆的抽屉,橡皮筋揉成的球,年代久远的外卖订单小票,半满的咖啡杯,还有10年前的会议笔记。

  Work Style: The Hoarder wants a hand in everything, constantly contributing unsolicited opinions and volunteering for every committee (as president, of course). The Hoarder is known for writing novel-length emails, storing lots of leftovers in the office fridge,and scolding others for throwing away broken keyboard mice.工作风格:囤积型职场人希望任何事都能得到帮助,并且不断主动给任何人提供意见和帮助(没错,老板也一样)。囤积者以撰写冗长的邮件而给人留下印象,囤积大量的剩菜在茶水间的冰箱,若有同事把坏掉的鼠标扔掉了,他/她肯定会给对方骂个狗血淋头。

  The Documentarian纪实型

  The Documentarian’s workspace is a shrine honoring every life event. This worker loves to preserve memories, but don’t get on his or her bad side – or cut in line at the copier. (Remember: The Documentarian never forgets.)纪实型职场人的工作空间简直就像纪念任何生活事件的神坛。此类人喜欢储存记忆,但千万别触碰他们的阴暗面——或者抢在他们前面使用复印机。(切记:纪实型人记忆力特别好。)

  Telltale Signs: Tons of photos, cards, knick-knacks, school diplomas, child art, and awards.桌面特征:多不胜数的照片,各种卡片小摆设,学历证书,儿童艺术作品,还有奖品。

  Work Style: The Documentarian is a team player who considers even a business lunch to be a cherished memory. This worker is happy to help out on any project and always remembers the receptionist’s birthday. The Documentarian is known for handing out triple copies of every document, emailing cat videos, and telling endless anecdotes about recent vacations taken.工作风格:纪实型职场人是良好的团队合作者,他会把任何一件事情,甚至是一次商务午餐看作珍贵的记忆。此类职场人乐于在任何项目上给予他人帮助并且还能清楚记住接待者的生日。纪实型职场人闻名于发放一式三份文件,给同事传送猫咪逗趣视频,无休止地分享最近假期遇到的轶事。

  The Techie技术迷型

  No matter what the job, the Techie is equipped with every piece of technology invented to “increase productivity” (also, do the job for them). The Techie’s workspace looks impressive. His or her quarterly results? Not so much.无论工作内容是什么,技术迷都备好了为“提高工作效率”而设的技术(同时也是为了他们自己而创的)。技术迷的工作空间令人印象深刻。季度业绩如何?没那么惊人。

  Telltale Signs: Sharper Image astronaut pen, multiple LCD computer monitors, and an abundance of gadget chargers.桌面特征:*太空圆珠笔,多个液晶电脑显示屏,还有一大堆充电器。

  Work Style: The Techie is never available to help out because this worker is too busy video-conferencing, “optimizing” workflow documents, or secretly playing video games. The Techie is known for using lots of buzzwords in meetings, creating impressive Powerpoint presentations, and complaining about the lack of Wi-Fi in the bathroom.工作风格:技术迷永远腾不出时间帮助其他人,因为他自己本身忙于视频会议,美其名“优化”工作流文件,或偷玩电子游戏。技术迷闻名于会议里使用大量流行用语,做出令人印象深刻的讲演,抱怨为何洗手间没有Wi-Fi信号覆盖。

  The Sickie体弱多病型

  The Sickie is a decent worker – when he or she actually shows up. This delicate flower takes more sick days than anyone else in the office, thanks to allergies, food poisoning, or whatever new epidemic is making headlines. The Sickie workspace is a quarantined environment, and you’ll be reminded every time you pass by.体弱多病型职场人是尽责的员工——当他/她在场的时候。这朵脆弱的花儿生病请假的日子比任何人呆在办公室的日子多得多,这得多亏皮肤过敏,食物中毒,或任何新型流行传染病。体弱多病者的工作空间是个与世隔绝的空间,并且每次你走过都会被提醒这一概念。

  Tellale Signs: Ergonomic chair, keyboard, and mouse, gallons of hand sanitizer; multiple air purifiers; and a lifetime supply of tissues.桌面特征:符合人体工学设计的椅子,键盘,鼠标,还有大量的手部消毒剂,各种空气清洗剂,还有足够使用一辈子的纸巾。

  Work Style: The Sickie can mostly handle the workload, but not if he or she has recently encountered dairy, scented soap, polyester, and possibly water. The Sickie is known for posting reminders about hand washing, stocking the office first-aid kit, and providing too much information about his or her latest illness to anyone nearby.工作风格:体弱多病型职场人基本都能处理工作量,但要是他/她最近接触到了奶制品,香皂,聚酯纤维或者是不明水源,那就不一定了。体弱多病者闻名于设置提示闹钟提醒自己洗手,补充办公室急救箱,过度与身边的人分享自己的生病情况。

  The Zen Master禅宗大师型

  The Zen Master is a calming presence in the office, with a desk that’s more of a spa than a workspace. But that positive vibe isn’t always productive, like when the Zen Master’s “focus on the present” vibe conflicts with your big presentation tomorrow.禅宗大师型的职场人比办公室里的任何人都淡定,相比工作间,办公桌更像是疗养地。不过这种正能量并不总能刺激工作效率,正如禅宗大师所宣扬的“活在当下”的精神会与你第二天展示的演讲意义相斥。

  Telltale Signs: An abundance of plants, tabletop Zen garden and fountain, goldfish, and inspirational posters.桌面特征:堆满了花花草草,桌面摆有禅宗式的花园和喷泉摆设,金鱼,还有激励人心的贴画。

  Work Style: The Zen Master is an eternal optimist, giving positive feedback and green-lighting everyone’s ideas. But this laid-back personality doesn’t take deadlines very seriously – unless it’s to sign up for the company retreat. The Zen Master is known for emailing everyone inspirational stories, walking around barefoot, and organizing lunchtime yoga.工作风格:禅宗大师型的人总能保持乐观的心态,对任何人的观点都能给予正面的反馈或表示同意。但这种悠闲的个性并不把最后限期当回事——除非是时候签合同解散了。禅宗大师型的职场人闻名于给大家撰写心灵鸡汤邮件,赤脚到处行走,组织大家参与午间瑜伽锻炼。

  So, are there any signs of those types of you? No matter what type you are, keep it in mind that focus on your strengths and make up for the short.那么,你是否发现自己身上有以上这些迹象呢?无论你属于哪一种职场人士,重点在于扬长避短,弥补不足。














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