


  Congratulations! You have finally landed a job interview with one of the top companies on your target list.That's exciting, now don't screw it up.恭喜你!你终于能够得到一家理想的公司的面试机会了,实在是太激动了,但不要毁了这次机会!

  Don't ever fool yourself into thinking that interview mistakes are just for the inexperienced, early-in-career job candidates.别天真地认为只有职场菜鸟才会在面试中犯错。

  We know that first impressions count, so how about making your first impression stand out on your next job interview?我们都知道留下*印象很重要,那么怎样才能给自己的留下深刻*印象,脱颖而出呢?

  1) Giving long-winded, rambling answers1)回答啰嗦乏味。

  This is one area I warn my clients about over and over again. Listen carefully to the question, focus on about 3 key points in your answer and then stop talking. Avoid getting nervous just because there is silence or little response from the interviewer(s).这也是笔者一次又一次提醒面试者的要点。认真听取问题,把回答的要点凝练成3点就足够了。不要因为面试官的沉默寡言而惊慌。

  2) Criticizing your current or former employer2)批判现任或前任老板。

  Regardless of how negative or disappointing your career experience is or has been with an employer, be diligent about giving the interviewer highlights of your work, career achievements and contributions.无论你对目前或之前的工作或老板有多么失望,在面试中你应当认真地向你的老板说明你在工作中的亮点、职业成就和所作的贡献。

  3) Providing generic responses without real substance3)泛泛而谈,毫无实例。

  Saying to an interviewer,"I am a great leader who gets the job done"or"I am known for being a good team player"is like saying nothing at all. Practice giving answers that give specific examples or point to supporting evidence about your strengths and areas of expertise; incorporating theC-A-R strategycan make a huge difference.跟面试官说,“我是一名能够顺利完成任务的好领导。”或“我因为良好的团队合作精神而受欢迎。”其实说了等于没说。锻炼自己回答的能力,在回答时提出具体的例子或证据,证明你的长处或专业技能,结合C-A-R策略,你会与众不同。

  4) Knowing very little about a prospective employer4) 对潜在雇主了解甚少。

  We have so much access to information today, so you have no excuse for being unprepared in an interview. Check out the company's website and annual reports, search prweb.com for recent press releases and use Google alerts to learn about any recent company changes. Leverage your LinkedIn contacts to learn any insider tips that may prove valuable in the interview.如今我们接触信息的渠道多不胜数,所以我们就没有理由说自己没有准备好面试。查看公司的网站和年度报告,在prweb.com搜索最新的出版物,以及在Google上关注了解最新的公司动态。利用领英联系人去了解更多内部资料,也许对你的面试很有帮助。

  5) Failing to ask quality questions during the interview5)面试中不会问有实质性的问题。

  Too many job-seekers focus on impressing the interviewer, but overlook the fact that the prospective employer should impress you as well. Think carefully about what you need to know before making a final decision if an offer is extended to you.太多的面试者忙于给面试官留下印象,却忘了你也应该让潜在雇主也给你留下印象。若你收到了录用通知,那么在做最后决定的时候,要认真想想你应该知道的东西有哪些。

  They are interviewing you and you are interviewing them. Here are a few easy questions to start with and feel free to come up with a few of your own:他们在面试你的同时你也在面试他们。下面有一些很简单的开场问题,你也可以随心想到一些问题对面试官进行提问:

  Who will I be reporting to directly?--我应该向谁直接汇报?

  Are there growth opportunities through this position?这个职位是否有发展前景?

  How many people have held this position in the past year?--去年有多少人在这个职位?

  What are the business challenges that your company/division is currently facing?--你们公司/部门正面临什么样的商业挑战?

  When I am conducting interview coaching with my clients, I often get the "canned", predictable interview answers. Nothing is wrong with following interviewing guidelines, but remember to bring YOU to the interview.当笔者给顾客进行面试培训时,我得到的都是“罐头答案”——规规矩矩的答案。遵循面试准则并没有错,但请记住要在面试中真正展现自己。

  Respond to questions in your own voice, let your personality shine through, **ile and be yourself.回答问题的时候展现出你的真实想法,让你的个性更张扬,微笑做自己。

  7) Being unenthusiastic and lethargicin the interview7)对面试毫无激情,死气沉沉。

  Whether you have been interviewing for several months or this is the first fruit of your job search efforts, check your disappointment, disillusion and fear at the door and bring you best foot forward.不管你已经参加了好几个月的面试,还是*次接受面试,在进入面试前要调整好失落、绝望和恐惧的心态,以*姿态出现在面试官面前。

  More likely than not, you will go on a series of interviews and go through a lot of "no's" before you get a job offer. However, be energetic, excited, enthusiastic and optimistic as much as you can each and every time.在得到工作机会前,你很可能会经历很多面试,遭受各种拒绝。无论如何,每次参加面试都应保持精力充沛,活力四射,激情洋溢以及乐观积极的状态。

  I know that this is not an easy task, so what strategies do you use to stay motivated and positive during interview after interview?笔者知道这并不是一件容易的事情,那么你会采取什么方法,让自己在面试中和面试后保持动力和积极向上呢?


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