


  10 运动员

  Athletes spend a lot of time in the gym and playing fields every day, with team members of the same gender, so they don’t have much contact with the outside world. Male athletes often feel that the women around them are too "manly," while female athletes think their male colleagues are not gentle enough.


  9 演员

  Famous people always have many lovers to choose from, especially actors and actresses. Theyare rich, beautiful and expressive, and sometimes they have to stay single to appeal more tofans. This is a group of people who would find it extremely difficult to stay in a long-term relationship.


  8 记者和编辑

  Journalists and editors have to do a lot of interviews, so they know a large number of people and know something about all fields. They may be narcissistic, patronizing and find it hard to accept advice. They are too choosy about everything, including partners.


  7 IT行业和互联网公司的职员

  People working in the IT industry and Internet companies are always very busy sitting in front of computers. They are not good enough for their female colleagues, who prefer more mature men.


  6 化妆师/设计师/摄影师

  Male co**eticians, stylists and photographers have to work with a lot of pretty women every day, which causes visual fatigue, and they have no feelings for the women. Their female colleagues dislike them because they are too sissy, and they have too many chances to spend time with other women.


  5 服装设计师

  Dress designers are never totally satisfied with the clothes they design. They devote all their passion and enthusia** to their career and find it hard to keep a relationship.


  4 律师

  Lawyers have to be rigorous, with a "professional **ile" on their faces. Male lawyers are not romantic and female lawyers are so eloquent that they scare men away.


  3 公关公司和广告公司职员

  People working for public relations companies and advertising agencies have a lot of opportunities to get to know other people. However, they always have a working relationship with these people and rarely turn them into girlfriends or boyfriends.


  2 会计师

  There are many more women than men working in the accounting industry. Accountants are always very busy and working overtime is not an issue. They may not even have time to speak over the phone, not to mention date.


  1 顾问

  Consultants make plans, offer solutions and provide personalized service for customers. They spend more time on planes than on the ground and never know where they are going tomorrow. Who would want to date such a person?



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