


  Please bring along ORIGINAL DOCUMENT as indicated below:

  1. Passport or Certificate of identity valid for at least 18 months for all family members. If your children are studying aboard, please bring copies of their valid passport, copies of their student authorization and and their current overseas address.

  2. Taiwanese/PRC Household Register. 即户口本。

  3. Hongkong/PRC/Macau/Taiwanese identity card. 即身份证。

  4. Labour Insurance Cards (for taiwanese applicants only)

  5. Cetificates of No Previous Marriage Hongkong/PRC Notatial No Marriage Certificate. 未婚公证。 6. Marriage Certificate/PRC Notatial Marriage Certificate. 婚姻状况公证。

  7. Your spouse’s Death Certificate(if applicable). 配偶死亡证明。

  8. HK/Taiwan Birth Certificates/PRC Notarial Birth Certificate for all family members. 出生公证。

  9. If you or your spouse has been divorced, the original court Divorce Certificate for each divorce. and child custody documents and removal consent.

  10. If a relative in Canadais supporting your application, documentary evidence of your relationship to that person and proof of his/her Canadian resident status or Canadian citizenship.

  11. School Records showing that your over-19 accompanying dependent(s) (except your spouse) has/have been in full-time studies since 19 years of age.

  12. Reference Letter from your prensent and previous exployers with detailed job descriptions stating length of employment, position held, number of years in each position, and description of duties.

  13. Employer’s Tax Return and salaries Tax Asses**ent for the past 3 years.

  14. Diploma/degree/school leaving and professional training certificates and professioal and/or trade certificates(for PRC applicants, please also provide notarial education certificates). 即学历,学位,成绩公证。

  15. A summary of your totalfinancial resources and property holdings in Canadian currency. Proof of your owership of there assets will also required.

  16. New PRC Notarial Certificate of no criminal conduction record for applicants. 即无犯罪记录公证,一般要求公证期不能超过1年。

  17. Other applicable documents.


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