


       john t. bray

  464 st george street


  bc v5t 1z7

  phone no.


  to obtain a challenging position as a web designer within a large exciting company.


  bryer computer services, cambridge, ma

  XX - XX

  web designer

  met and corresponded with clients to determine client needs for company sites.

  created corporate web sites, portals and large-scale web applications.

  developed and designed new web interfaces, layouts and site graphics.

  created and designed test web sites for sales as well as demonstration purposes.

  comprehensive technical knowledge of html programming and javascript coding.

  responsible for quality assurance of finished websites including the validation of web forms and links

  designed trained users and templates on development of future pages.

  massachusetts healthcare co. inc., boston ma

  1998 - XX

  web designer

  developed and maintained intranet and internet for company websites utilizing dream weaver, html, flash and photoshop.

  performed validation of completed sites including the debugging and testing of code.

  developed and designed user-friendly interface for on-line programmes like multi-media systems and web-driven e-mail.

  created graphics including icons and logos using fireworks and photoshop.

  facilitated training on the use of programmes such as fireworks and dream weaver.

  installed shopping carts by use of cgi scripts for business client websites.


  massachusetts institute of technology (mit) boston, ma

  1994 - 1998 bs in computer science

  technical skills:

  languages: c, html and java.

  proficient with html, macromedia dream weaver, fireworks, allaire home site, microsoft office professional edition, adobe acrobat, webposition gold, top dog, search engine optimiser (seo)

  familiarity with adobe go live, microsoft frontpage, adobe photoshop, jasc paint shop pro, macromedia flash



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